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Testimonials about Lee's applied work

Why should you consider "Clowning for leading, coaching & life" as being relevant to you?


Ryan Sekac, Engineering Supervisor at General Dynamics - Electric Boat, Rhode Island, USA, knows why it was worth going all the way from the US to Brussels to learn from her and to apply it in everyday management work.  

Ariana Ramos, Postdoctoral Research Associate at Vlerick Business School


"Suddenly I found myself running around in a red polka dot dress pointing an imaginary bazooka at my colleagues. I was in Lee’s workshop: "Clown up your life!" and we were all in for the ride.


So how does clowning fit in with my work as a researcher? It doesn’t, and that’s the beauty of it. I was able to step outside of myself and explore the extremes of absurdity. And in this absurdity I found certain truths that were right in front of my big red clown nose and I wasn’t seeing them. Such as how to connect with an audience, how to break out of the plan, how to really see and react to the moment.


I thought I had to be boring in order to be formal during my presentations, while in my personal life I am much more expressive. As a postdoctoral researcher I always have a plan about what I will say. I realized that, often, I didn’t check in with my audience to see if I was reaching them, I was just following my scripted plan.


The clowning workshop gave me this freedom to break out of the plan and be more authentic. It was an unforgettable experience, I learned useful skills for presentations, but more than that I grew as a person in as little as four days."

Peter De Prins, Professor of Change Management at Vlerick Business School


"In October 2017, I followed the 4-day masterclass ‘Meisner & Clown for Coaching’ headed by Lee Delong.


It was a truly amazing experience. As an academic teacher, many of the techniques she taught me have become key parts of my teaching and coaching processes, allowing me to create more impact and more connection with my students than even before.


Lee’s voice and performing work aided me in getting emotionally connected to both my innermost thoughts, feelings and my work. That ability allows me to stand true in each moment of my professional and private life.


Lee’s incredible experience combined with her honest, humorous and positive confronting approach created a powerful impact. Thanks for the inspiring days Lee!"

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​Martine Polen, Ashridge Coaching Adjunct at Ashridge Executive Education, Hult International Business School


“Highly recommended! Lee is a master in feedback: she challenges you to face your inner self and supports you to embrace failure and find your clown.


These 4 days of deep learning together with other coaches were eye opening and soulful. Looking forward to revisit Lee’s way of working sometime in the not too distant future :-)


In the meantime, be sure to book your space and enjoy it.”


Julia Schneider, singer, songwriter, & head of V-Label Germany


"Lee is an incredible teacher, who sees and pulls out the deep core of your creative soul. She is extremely passionate about bringing out the best in you. I was deeply touched by her several times, while she was supporting me to find, grow and unfold my own clown.


She changed my life for more than once with her detailed feedback, with her endless love and guidance. I took several of her clown courses and each one was an intensive journey and milestone for being present, truthful and fully in the NOW.


The clown work helped me not only on stage as an actor or singer, but also in my everyday life, my work projects and relationships. I allowed myself to use my clown-charm, the problem-embracing and the moment-focus also as a manager and a leader of teams in my non-artistic work life.


Lee also inspired and empowered me as a human being, so I can play with humor, sensuality, failing and my poetry on- and off-stage. For the clown, problems are your friend, your playground, your source of creativity. I understood more what it means to be human, to enjoy desires, and to expand the "exploded version of myself". 


Taking the weirdnesses as strengths and as tools to actually bring joy to an audience, friends, colleagues. I think I would have never felt the "magic of a true moment", and when the whole audience is totally with you, without Lee - and I am super thankful for that."

(c) Lee Delong 2023

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